Fashion Feature: Sarah Jeanson

Full Name: Sarah Jeanson

Grade: 12

Activities (in and out of school)/hobbies:

My activities and hobbies consist of editing the yearbook, roller blading, going on walks, exercising, ice skating, doing crafts, taking pictures with my sister/ modeling in pictures for my sister, playing the piano, baking, working at Old Navy, watching medical and murder mystery shows and watching Friends.


How would you describe your style in three words?

Modern, classic (50’s and 60’s), alternative (not preppy but not quite indie)

What or who inspires your style?

Audrey Hepburn!!!!!

What are some of your favorite places to shop?

Target, Old Navy, Pacsun, Delias, Forever21, Modcloth

What is/are your favorite must-have piece(s) in your closet?

Basic mix and match cardigans, skinny jeans, flats, boots, scarves and unique necklaces and earrings.

What do you do to keep up with the trends? (Ex. Read magazines, read fashion blogs, etc.)

I do online shopping and simply observe other people in public/school and online or in magazines to get ideas that I like and want to make my own.  I love seeing something, either just a piece or a whole outfit, that I think looks cute and that I’d love to recreate.

Do you have any advices for high school students trying to improve their style? 

Don’t wear sweatpants to school and wear things that fit and flatter- meaning that tighter isn’t always better.  If someone has a body part they want to hide then finding something that flows away or camouflages (but definitely not camouflage print haha ;)) it will make them feel and look so much better.  If students in high school want to improve their style I’d say that they should look at magazines, online, and other people and start to pick up on what they think looks cute then try to recreate what they like.  Also, you can never try on too much!  If someone it totally lost and doesn’t even know what they like then try one tons! People won’t know what looks good on them unless they see it on their body.  Once people try on a lot of clothes they can start to know what’s right for them.  They will be able to look at an item and already have an idea if it would work for them.  Also, shimmer not glitter! Don’t over-do it girls!  Also, if you’re little don’t wear a huge print and vice versa.

Elements of Sarah’s Outfit:

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